Share Files from Command-Line

Share files directly from your terminal. Files are end-to-end encrypted and accessible via the download link. The download link expires after 24 hours. Transfer up to 1 GB. Free. No account required.

Replace file.txt with the path to the file or folder you would like to upload.

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To upload files, simply execute the provided command-line tool with Bash or PowerShell. The tool compresses your files or folders, encrypts them, and generates a secure download link that you can share with others.

Files are secured using AES 256-bit end-to-end encryption and are only decrypted in your browser. Integrity of files is ensured through SHA-256 checksums. Downloads require a challenge ensuring that only users with the correct decryption key can access the files, using standard WebCrypto APIs for security.

Files are kept on our servers for 24 hours after upload. Once this period expires, the files are automatically deleted to ensure your data remains private and to minimize data retention.

The maximum file size allowed is 1 GB.

By using this service, you agree not to upload any content that contains or constitutes malware, copyrighted material, or any illegal content. Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable local and international laws when using this service. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, and reserve the right to terminate services or remove content at our sole discretion and without notice.